Success in architecture

Architecture is powerful. It allows us to realise our wildest dreams. In a way it really is the fiction of the human world. Cities are one of the places where architecture play an extremely important role. With a little creativity and the power of architecture, urban problems can be elegantly resolved. The thermal power plant in Copenhagen is a brilliant example. Here the idea everyone has of power plants is challenged and is married with a ski park. This is the perfect example of bigamy, where two seemingly independent ideas are brought together to create something the new. This method of thinking can lead to simple yet ingenious solutions to seemingly impossible real-world problems. Architecture has the potential to change the way we live and the world.

An inseparable aspect of architecture is creativity. In this fast changing, complex world, problems need to be solved creatively for the most efficient results. Creativity is the ability to think differently, to look at things from a perspective no one ever has before. It is a natural trait. We are all born with it. Children are creative without exerting any effort. Then why is it that adults find it so hard to be creative?

We tend to put in place rules that do not really exist. Years of schooling and society creates boxes and frames in our minds and it becomes difficult for us to associate things which aren’t put in the same box as someone else. The main reason why adults find it hard to be creative is due to our decrease in associative abilities. We find it hard to associate things which aren’t obviously connected.

However, creativity CAN be learnt. With a little effort and practice, anybody can be as creative as their younger self. A few exercises to increase creative thinking are listed below:

Most of the time, when we are asked to say a few random words by looking at a given object, the words are connected to the object in some or the other way. It is a difficult task to think up words that are independent of the given object. A great exercise to promote creative thinking is to challenge yourself to think up random words by looking at a given object.

Another method to think of a solution to a problem is to read up random informative (or just random) articles. You never know where inspiration will hit you from.

In our sleep we tend to think without boundaries and rules. We are free and real-world restrictions do not apply, just like in the movie inception where the architect creates the impossible in a dream. Trying to find a solution for a problem while sleeping can result in very creative anwers. The structure of benzene was also discovered in this way.

One way to train our brain to think of our problems in sleep, is to think of the problem right before going to bed. Thinking of the problem, all the relevant information before sleeping primes the brain to think of it during the sleep. While sleeping, we go through cycle of dreams and dreamless slumber. Waking up after intervals of 90 minutes or multiples of 90 minutes, and writing down the dream might help us find innovative answers.

Following these simple steps can help us think differently. But what next after you do have a solution to a problem. We need to communicate it.

Communication of a solution to a problem is as important as thinking it up because putting forth your idea is the very first step towards its realisation.

Communication isn’t just verbal or written. A major part of communication actually has to do with the body and body language.

It’s true that our body language reflects what we think of ourselves. But, there are also evidences of how our body language determines how we feel. For example, we smile when we are happy. But, putting an effort to smile even when we aren’t happy, makes us happy. Our actions affect our hormones which in turn affect the way we feel. When we feel powerful and happy our body reflects it. It is natural and happens effortlessly. These poses can be termed as the power poses. On the contrary, when we are feeling low and helpless, we tend to make ourselves look smaller by curling up or slouching. These are the opposite of power poses.

Experiments involving two groups have shown that when one group was told to do the power poses and the other to do the opposite, the differences in their endorphins was significant to say the least.

The group that had done the power poses showed an increase in testosterone and a decrease in cortisol.

Whereas the other group showed an increase in cortisol and a decrease in testosterone.

Apart from this the first group fared better in a game of gambling, then the other.

All of this shows that some minor tweaks in our body language can transform the way we think about ourselves and it turn change the way others think about us.

How we are perceived by others plays an extremely important role when we are living in a society. For a major part, the responses one’s proposals get is greatly determined by the impression the other person has of him or her. An optimistic person is more likely to receive a positive response.

Therefore, it is extremely important to be aware of the kind of impression one is creating in the minds of the others.

These so called power poses might not come naturally to everyone, but to fake it ill you make it is a great way to create the same effect. Standing up a little broader and holding your chin high even when u want to slouch will change how you feel and also how the others feel.

What we say also is extremely important. Our verbal communication is how we put forth the details of our idea, thus efficient communication is of paramount importance.

 There is difference between when people hear you and when people listen to you. capturing an audience’s attention and making then listen is an art. That is what marks the difference between a great orator and a mediocre one.

An easy way to be a good orator it to speak with HAIL.





These qualities instantly make a person likeable. A positive person is more likely to be heard and thus create an effect on their audience.

Other features of speech such as PROSODY, TIMBRE, REGISTER, PACE, SILENCE, PITCH, VOLUME can also be used to the benefit of the orator if he or she know how to use the appropriately.

What marks a great orator is his or her ability to tap into the audience’s attention. But, how do they do it. Turns out great orators and advertisers speak in a way exactly opposite to everyone else.

Any proposal deals with three main questions

1. what?


Most people tackle these questions in the same order, by speaking about what their proposal is, how it works and finally, briefly explain why they thought of the idea.

Whereas people we identify as being great orators do this differently.

They first speak about their beliefs. They put forth reasons why they worked on something. They elaborate on their basic principles.

Then they move on to talking about how they solved the problem and then finally what they have made.

Dr. Martin Luther King is the perfect example for this. He said “I believe, I believe, I believe”

In all of his speeches he talks about what he believes America to be. People flocked from all over the America to listen to him and his beliefs, not for martin Luther king, but FOR THEMSELVES.

They related to his beliefs and thus connected with him.

People buy why you do something, not what you do.

They three questions mentioned above cater to different parts of the brain.

What-This question caters to the newer homo sapien brain which is the analytical side of the brain

The other two questions deal with the limbic brain.

The limbic brain deals with how we feel about the things around.

Doing business with people is who have similar beliefs is a lot more efficient and effective.

Having something to say is one thing but actually speaking up is another. It can be hard to speak up. Sometimes speaking up can be rewarding, other times it can be punishing. In every situation we have a safe range. Stepping out of this range get us punished.

This range is almost always connected to the power we have in a situation. This range of acceptability is not constant. The trick is to figure out how to expand this range.  There couple of ways to do this:

Perspective taking

Stepping back and trying to look through someone elses eyes not only gives us a new perspective, but also an understanding of why someone feels the way he or she does. This makes us more considerate and by default a more likeable person.

Signalling flexibility

Experiments have shown that when people are offered with more than one option they tend to choose one, as opposed to when a person is offered with one thing. Giving more than one option creates an illusion of power in the mind of the customer, this make them choose. Thus signalling flexibility can be very beneficial

Gain allies

People are comfortable with talking in situations where they know they have allies, thus probably the easiest way to expand one’s range would be to make as many allies as possible.

There are two ways to do this.

One way is to be a mama bear, in the process of advocating for others, one finds his or her voice. This doesn’t just help one speak up, but also gain some allies along the way while realise the potential of oneself.

Another way is to ask for advice. When people are asked for advice they feel flattered and think of you as a humble person. This is great to earn some good allies who will surely be on your side.

The final but probably the most important,


Being an expert in one’s field gives one an edge, being knowledgeable makes one instantly seems smart.

One way to do this is to tap into one’s passion. All of us peak about our passions with a lot of emotion and honesty, this instantly makes us an interesting person.

Effective communication is extremely important in today’s world where one needs to stand out amongst the crowd. Architecture is a field where being heard is as important as being creative. Ideation and communication together make an architect successful. Thus, a constant effort to improve these two aspects will surely lead to a person having a wonderful career in architecture.

